Monday, November 29, 2010

advent preparations

The Season of Advent has begun.  We're trying to do some intentional Advent-y things in our home.  Attempts to help us remember the "reason for the season" (I've always hated that silly saying, but it does fit) in the midst of the hustle and bustle that threatens to take over.  Most of our Christmas shopping is done, though we do have a few handmade items we're still working on.  So maybe, just maybe, this holiday season can be one of joyful anticipation.  One of hope rather than dismay.  Peace rather than frenzy.  And love...most of all, love.

Much of our Advent Prep began with a Get Ready for Advent Party last weekend at church, organized by My Hubby, who put together some wonderful ideas for celebrating Advent in the home.  Here are some of our continued preparations from this weekend:

The Girl and I worked on ornaments for our Jesse Tree (an Advent tree that helps us tell the biblical story of faith, one character at a time, day by day through Advent).  We'll tell our daily Jesse Tree story and hang an ornament each evening.
Here's the Tree:
Can you tell which kid colored which part :)?

And here's our Advent chain (pink and purple - The Girl loves it!).  We pull off a link each morning and try to do what it says sometime during the day.  For instance, today's link said, "Write your family love notes and put them under their pillows."

These are our advent candles.  Yes, we have two sets.  One is a felt set given to The Girl last year.  The other is just a set of votives (four purple, one pink) on a piece of felt.  Maybe next year we'll have an actual wreath!  We light the week's Advent candle(s) during each meal we eat at home.

And here's what The Boy was doing during our Advent prep - playing with cars, of course!
Notice the jail on the desk in the background.  That's The Girl's handiwork, and the sign on it says "Sherriff's Jaille."  The cars are always getting sent to jail for something.  It's a crazy crew they have there in Radiator Springs!

Finally, some Christmas decorations.  We thought about progressively decorating the tree throughout Advent but decided that was too complicated, and really, we have enough Advent activities with a tree, a chain, candles, and an Advent calendar (which I haven't pictured) - sheesh!  Maybe we went a little overboard?
Our over-stuffed tree:

And some wall-art The Girl and I made.  We had some big pictures of daisy-like flowers hanging here, but it seemed out of place with the holiday decor, so we made this simple art with paper, tinfoil, and glue.  The proportions aren't quite right for the wall (and the picture is bad - sorry!), but I was working with what we already had on hand.  It still makes me happy.
See that train?  The Boy's eyes just lit up when we brought that out.  He loves to ring its bell, but wishes we could play with it on the floor!

Those are some of our Advent Preparations.  Simple, but helpful for us as a family.  Helpful for me.  I need to be reminded that Christ is Coming, Christ is Coming!  And that He brings hope, peace, joy and love, progressively diminishing the darkness with His light.  Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus, Come.

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