Thursday, July 29, 2010

"I see you"

My Man and I watched Avatar this past weekend.  For the first time.  We're not exactly up-to-date on our movies (particularly me).  The fact that I saw this one within a year of its release is a bit shocking.  I could see how this movie was impressive on the big screen.  On the small screen - not so much.  It wasn't a bad movie, but mostly it was big on action, light on plot.  And the minimal plot was pretty predictable from the get-go.  But it was a decent popcorn flick, I guess.
What struck me about it, though, was one small thing:  the way the Navi (Na'vi, Nav'i?) greet each other with the phrase, "I see you."  Not hello, or hi, or yo, or any variation thereof.  No, it's "I see you."  And for some reason, that small phrase has been running through my mind ever since.

That is what I long for, I guess - to be seen.  As the consummate introvert and perpetual newcomer, it's a big challenge for me to get past the smile and nod phase.  Even among groups of people I've spent significant time with, I still often feel like an outsider.  This is largely because of my personality, but still I long for more than just an acknowledgement of presence.  I long to be seen and known, to be allowed on the inside.  And when someone takes the time to invite me in, I am inordinately pleased and uplifted. 

But do I say "I see you" enough?  Do I pay attention to the outsiders in my midst?  Or even the insiders?  Large groups are overwhelming to me, and I tend to draw within myself or focus on the few people I actually know.  But I, of all people, should be searching for the others on the fringe.  To say, "I see you."  Because we are all worthy of being seen.  We are all valuable creations of God.  We all have brightness within us.  And I hope that I will be more aware of others' brightness as I travel through this new place.


  1. Hey Susan! I really enjoy reading your blog. "I see you!" I enjoy getting to know you a little better, as well as your kids. I enjoy seeing all the pictures too!

  2. I'm glad you blog because many of the things you say help me to know that I'm not the only one.

  3. Sus - I did see Avatar on the big screen (and in 3-D, which caused a bit of motion sickness!) and didn't really like it - I was a little offended that the best "alien" they could come up with was a cross between African Americans and Native Americans, and I thought it was completely (unselfconsciously) contradictory in its purported promotion of taking care of the earth & demonization of the military & big business - yet, thank goodness, there must surely be other even more beautiful planets out there that our superior technology and strength will be able to discover and conquer. In short, I had no patience with it (I know, you're shocked!) :o) But I too loved the "I see you" concept. How we long to be seen - and named - as individuals. Wish I were coming to spend a couple of weeks with you - but we're off to Russia instead. I will endeavor to "see" well while I'm there!
