Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mark, Day Two

Mark 1:16-45
  • There are at least 5 different scenes in these few verses.  It seems like Jesus is sprinting!
  • So Simon, Andrew, James & John all leave "immediately" (vs. 18 & 20) to follow Jesus.  What kind of faith or craziness is that?  Jesus hasn't even performed any miracles yet.  He's just a preacher.  James and John even leave their father in the boat.  Isn't that a bit rude?!?  I guess they're all pretty young at this point.  Willing to leap at an exciting new experience.  I don't think I was ever that daring.  I'm too worried about security.
  • Then Jesus evicts an unclean spirit.  This makes me uncomfortable.  I need some commentaries.  I'm not sure what to think about unclean spirits.  Is it really a spirit (I won't discount it because what do I know? but my 21st century self wonders about it)?  Is it a mental illness?  Just evilness?  Whatever it is, Jesus' objection to it here is just that the "spirit" knows him.  And talks about it.  So here is a case where witnessing is bad!  I wish I had thought of that when I was a teenager being encouraged to talk to random strangers on the beach.  This witnessing theme will return in a minute.
  • But first Jesus has to heal Simon's mother-in-law. 
  • And then he heals some more sick and possessed people.  And doesn't let the possessed ones speak "because they knew him" (v. 34).
  • Then he goes away to pray, but the disciples hunt him down because "everyone is searching for you" (v. 37).  So he preaches and heals some more.
  • And finally a leper comes to ask for healing, which Jesus gives.  And he tells him not to tell anyone.  But he does.  And really, how could he not?  What's he going to say to the priest when he shows up completely healed?  To his family and friends?  To the skeptics?  He's bubbling over with joy and gratitude and people are asking questions.  It would take superhuman strength not to tell.
  • But now Jesus has to stay in the countryside because people are overwhelming him in town.  Jesus had his own paparazzi.  But even in the country, people come to him.  He must've been very tired.  He didn't have a gated home to hide in.  No bodyguards.  But I don't imagine he would've used such things anyway, except maybe for a brief breather.  Because the world needed him.

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