Friday, July 9, 2010

Mark, Day Three

Mark 2:1-13
  • Ah, here is what I think of as the VBS story.  It seems like at least half of all VBS's cover this story.  Seriously.  Maybe not anymore, but for a few years while I was a children's minister, it was definitely a favorite for VBS curriculum.  So I've read this story many times, and it's hard to come at it with fresh eyes.  But here's what I see:
  • Jesus is being set-upon again.  They will just not leave this guy alone!  And this time, some friends even dig a hole in a roof to get their paralyzed friend to Jesus.  I wonder what the homeowner thought of that?  Wouldn't you be peeved?
  • "And Jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic, 'Son, your sins are forgiven.'" (v. 5, NASB)  I'm sure I've heard lots of sermons on this, about how the mans greater need was for forgiveness, not due to any particular evilness on his part, but because we all need forgiveness.  But if I was that man on that mat, I think I would've been highly disappointed in Jesus at this point.  Because how much sinning is this guy doing, really?  He's confined to a mat.  I know, I know - he can still sin in his heart and words and attitude.  But to the man and his friends and his community, his greatest felt need is to be healed. 
  • And then Jesus does that, too.  Seemingly, just to prove a point (that he has the authority to forgive sins).  But he does it.  And since he's been healing lots of people for days and days now, the healing surely isn't ONLY to prove a point.  There's compassion there.  Recognition that though physical healing might not be the greatest need, it is still a very real and important need. 
  • So Jesus provides healing for the felt need and for the un-felt need.  Even when we don't know what we need, Jesus gives it to us anyway (notice, the man didn't ask for forgiveness - Jesus gave it to him without his asking!).  So what I'm struck with here is Jesus' huge generosity.
And that's all for today, as I've got to get off the computer.  I was originally thinking this blog intention would take just a couple weeks (a chapter a day, and there's only 16 chapters), but now it looks like it might take a couple months!

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