Sunday, August 1, 2010

Our Week in Pictures

Much of this week was consumed with Vacation Bible School, for My Man and Kiddoes, at least.  I missed out on most of the madness since our crazy church is one of the few that still does VBS in the morning (during work hours).  I can't say I'm too disappointed by that :), but I wish I could have seen maybe one day of it.  Sounds like it went well, even if it was exhausting.  We like the format of this particular VBS - more about experiencing the culture and one story from beginning to end (Old Testament Joseph) than about a silly theme with Bible stories randomly tacked on.  

Here are the Red and Purple teams doing their cheers!  The Red Team's cheer was a whole song set to the Wonder Pets music.  The Purple Team's cheer was "Go Purple!"  I'm sure even that was a challenge with young 3's and 2-year-olds!

Bright One's favorite part of each day was the Egyptian Beauty Parlor.  Here's my Egyptian Princess:

She came home with braids in her hair, jewels on her face, and more and more eye make-up every day!

Here's My Stud (in his dress and flip-flops!):

And here's our pastor making bricks in a wading pool:

What I don't have is a picture of the Dance Party on Friday night.  A Dance Party in a Baptist church!  There were quite a few comments on the dancing prowess of My Stud.  Be still my beating heart!  He's definitely the dancer in our family.

Here's some art time this week.  The Girl and I made some secret messages (white crayon on white paper) for each other.  We uncovered our secrets by painting over them with liquid watercolors.  Then we made a couple for Daddy to uncover when he got home from work.  Here he is working hard on one:

And much to my surprise, The Boy decided he wanted to paint, too!  I can almost never get him to do arty stuff with us, but if Daddy does it, he's all about it.

The Girl and I (with a little help from The Stud) finished The Boxcar Children, so now we've started on Little House in the Big Woods.  Surprisingly, I never read this series as a child!  It's a little longer than I expected, and heavily descriptive, but I've been pleasantly surprised at how well The Girl still enjoys it.  We read a little every night and sometimes during the day - all at her request.  One day this week she made the following Little House picture with popsicle sticks (complete with Ma, Pa, Mary, Laura & baby Carrie).  She started the house in 3D (kinda like Lincoln logs) but then couldn't get the triangle roof she wanted, so she reverted to this:

And finally, some pictures from Touch-A-Truck - a great event in Salem where they gather TONS of trucks and other vehicles for kids to climb in.  We got rained on a little, but it was still lots of fun.

No pictures of me this week (surprise, surprise :) ), but if there were, you'd see me crazily working on various craft projects for The Girl's upcoming birthday.  She's decided on a Princess Tea Party theme, and I've decided I can't go the easy route.  Oh, no, I've got to be crafty!  So far I've finished a birthday crown, almost finished a princessy skirt and trinket box and pennant banner, and just started some princess wands and tissue paper flowers.  And I'm debating whether or not to try making something rather large out of salt dough.  I think I might be crazy.

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