Sunday, August 8, 2010

Our Week in Pictures

This week began with a Pump-It-Up Birthday Party for a little boy from church.  The Girl loves, loves, loves Pump-It-Up!  The Boy - not so much. 

Tuesday was my 8th Anniversary!  I have no pictures of this, but the kiddoes played with some friends while we went out, and they had Happy Meals for dinner.  In the Happy Meals - new Littlest Pet Shop animals!  I had actually asked our friend to get The Boy one of these girl toys (rather than the superhero boy toy), because he's been driving The Girl crazy taking her little animals (and he has no real interest in the superheroes)!  So during the week, The Girl and I began making the following playground for the animals:

It's just some boxes from the recycling bin turned inside out and cut up.  We plan to paint it as well.  Maybe we'll get around to that.  Maybe.  Our inspiration (which is a much bigger and more beautiful project than our own) can be found here at Filth Wizardry.

I've also begun working on a salt dough Pixie Hollow for The Girl's birthday, but I don't think I'll post any pictures of it until I'm done!  Step One seems to have worked, but I'm still a little skeptical that it'll all pull together in the end :).

We've had some moments of cooler weather here, so the kiddoes have actually played outside a bit more than usual this summer.  Here are some pictures of them running through our backyard meadow as they run away from the scary lawnmower monster!

And climbing the slide mountain:

The Girl and I went to a park one day while The Boy was taking his nap.  She played in the creek with a new friend she had just met at the park.  It continues to amaze me how easily she meets people.  I'm jealous!

And while at the creek, we found this nest (I'm sure that's not the right word) of butterflies.  You can't really tell it from the picture, but there were at least 10 butterflies sitting in this one spot, and they began flying around us as we approached.  It was truly magical.

Some Potato-head silliness:

And finally, working together (The Boy, The Girl & Me) on some more wrapping paper for a Baby Girl baby shower.  No pastel pink for us.  I'm sure ours will be the brightest present there!

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