Friday, February 25, 2011

friday fun

A few things that made me smile this week:

Online silliness:
Just for fun:
  • Great time-waster (online sketching) for those days when all you have to do is stare at the computer. I even tried praying in color with it.
Funny AND thoughtful:
A little homey goodness:
  • Rustic Apple Pie.  With vanilla ice cream rather than cheddar cheese.  Mmmmmm.  I've wanted to try one of these apple pies without a pie pan for a while now but just finally did it yesterday.  If it didn't require chopping apples, I could see this becoming a habit.  Maybe next time I'll actually try the cheddar cheese!
  • Signs of spring:
  • Our tulip bulbs are sprouting!
Kid moments:
  • A neighbor friend (girl) came over to play with My Girl, and they played with cars and built tracks and towers with blocks - no boy in sight.  Afterwards, they performed a puppet show about a princess, her wizard father and her pet penguin, including a song about why penguins are the best pets.  Princesses, penguins AND cars - that makes me happy.
  • I helped out at My Boy's preschool choir this week. When his dad asked him if he liked having me in his class, he said, "No." Very matter-of-fact-ly.  And he refused to change his mind.  Now, I know this would crush some moms, but it just made me laugh.  So Very Honest! 
  • My Girl's choir teacher told My Man that The Girl was quite funny telling all the kids how to do their parts (for a musical they're working on), "but she has the talent to back it up!"  A Diva in the making?  Oh my.  Once again, how did This Girl come from me, the timid wallflower?  Ah, the wonderful vagaries of genetics! 
Things to try:
  • We're going to try to make this salt dough Lenten Sprial Wreath.  We'd love to buy this one, but it's a little pricey (understandably so - it's beautiful and handmade), so we'll try a homemade version this year.  My last experience with salt dough was a bit disastrous.  Let's hope this one (which is simpler) will work better!
  • Oh my goodness, these Scrappy Hearts are so dang cute!  I'm sure My Girl would love them, but I'm not sure I have cool enough fabric for such things.  And most of my crafting time (which hasn't been much lately) is spent on more *useful* things.  But maybe I could make something just for fun. 
So what made you smile this week?

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