Friday, February 4, 2011

what's in a name?

Choosing a name for a child - that's a biggie.  Fun, frustrating, revelatory.  I know a number of parents who chose not to choose a name until they saw the baby on the day of his/her birth.  I know a number of others who chose not to tell people the name until the day of birth for fear of the criticism they would receive.  But us - once it was decided (early on in the pregnancies) - we told everyone!  We cannot keep a secret.  Of course, we used family names, so it was probably less likely we'd get critical reactions.  Sneering at someone's mother's name or maiden name - that's a bit too rude for most!

But because we chose family names for our children, I never really looked at baby name books or considered what their names mean.  And it occurred to me yesterday as I was reading a blog post about a mom trying to choose a name for her baby that I didn't even know what my son's name means.  And his name is my name.  How did I never look this up?  All those years of finding my first name on those little name cards or license plates or cups or other silly tchotchkes.  Never did I look up my last name.  Huh.  So I checked.

And it means "Gift of Peace."  My son's name means Gift of Peace. 

And that is what he is.

Let me be clear - he is NOT a passive, always easy-going child, happy to play on his own, giving me the gift of unfettered time.  No, he is demanding - always wanting someone to play with him.  And he is emotional - breaking into screams or tears with just a look.  And he is a chatterbox.  He is not peace-full when peace is defined as calm or quiet. 

But when peace is defined as harmony, concord, freedom from anxiety - that is what My Boy is for me.  He is the one who reaches for my hand.  He is the one who giggles with such affection.  He is the one who walks through life with joy and determination, without worry.  He is the one who gives me peace.  What a Great Gift.

My Girl, on the other hand, could never be described as peaceful.  But her name means clear and bright.  And that's perfect!  For I have never known another person who was so Clear about what she thinks and feels.  I never have to wonder about it - she lets me know - the good, the bad, the ugly, the sublime.  Whether she's struggling or rejoicing, she shares it.

And Bright - yes, she is bright in the academic sense.  She does well in school and is pretty good at grasping new concepts.  But more importantly than that, she is a Bright presence in our family.  Heck, sometimes she's a supernova!  But I can always count on My Girl reaching out for life with passion.  She makes her presence known.  She shares her hopes and desires with all.  She grasps for connection with anyone in her midst.  She is my bright, fiery one.  Illuminating one.  The one who challenges me to SEE life - to see all of it.  What a Great Gift.

And then there's My Man.  I once preached his ordination sermon based around his middle name - Andrew (and it's only now that I'm struck by the oddness of me, the un-ordained one, preaching for his ordination).  But his first name - that one means "Strong One."  Which, again, is perfect.  He is our Constant One.  Our Rock.  The presence we do not doubt.  He is My Mighty One.  What a Great Gift.

And so what's in a name?  Whether by accident or design, it turns out there's a whole lot!

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