Now, though, we've had a long holiday break, time with family and friends, time for fun and frivolity. So as we begin this new year, I feel more ready to embrace it. More hope. And even though I never make New Year's Resolutions, this year I am going to set down some New Year's Hopes.
My hopes for 2011:
- that I will get up at 5:30 every morning (OK, not every morning, but maybe a few mornings a week) for prayer, scripture and yoga. I began the yoga in 2010 but was a major slacker at the end of the year. And this year My Man bought us a new prayer book (Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals) which I like very much, so I hope that the prayer/scripture aspect of the morning will improve greatly.
- that I will pray and read scripture more with my children, and that I will encourage their creativity and independence.
- that I will pursue a dream with a friend, without letting pessimism derail it. Steps, baby, steps.
- that I will work to build community where I can, and not be sad about lack of community other places.
- that I will intentionally connect with far-away friends more regularly. Pick up the phone, sister!
- that I will organize the dining room and playroom so that they are more user friendly for us all (moving a craft/writing table into the playroom and reserving the dining room for more messy stuff).
- that I will clean as I go (hah! I know that hope is doomed).
- that I will turn off the TV or put down the book or close the computer, and create more often.
- that I will spend more time with my husband (sans kiddoes!).
- that I will stop and notice the brightness all around.
- that I will be a positive presence, less withdrawn, more open. And along those lines, that I will speak out loud what I'm thinking more often.
Wishing you all the optimism and hope that a new year brings! May your hopes for 2011 be fulfilled!
ReplyDeleteThanks! And the same to you, LauraB!