Wednesday, January 12, 2011

new ventures for a new year

I already posted about some of my hopes for the new year.  Not even 2 weeks into the new year, and I'm already behind on some of them (cleaning as I go - hah!), but I'm still hopeful!  I ran across a blog post by Ann Voskamp in which she describes making a 100 Days Calendar (described here, pdf here) of 3 small goals every day that she checks off for each day for 100 days.  It's a visual reminder and a small sense of accomplishment when that check is made.  I'm considering trying that with a few of my hopes for the year.  But I'm not much of a list-maker.  I'm still considering.

I have a couple of new projects for this year.  First, a friend and I are dreaming/working toward a project in conjunction with her church that has me very excited.  I won't divulge more details until we have more of the nuts and bolts hammered out, but this thinking and dreaming stage is a lot of fun - particularly since I'm not immediately responsible for the initial details that need to be decided!

I've also taken up a new blogging-type challenge.  Bruce Reyes-Chow (the one who originally inspired me to begin a blog) has challenged his readers to post a picture a day of their lives.  I've really enjoyed keeping up with his pictures and a few others involved in this, so I've decided to try it myself (though I'm not going to link in with the group - I still hold back from some of this online world, for better or worse).  I'm hoping it will be another tool to help me pay attention to this bright life and notice the details (my husband can tell you how bad I am at that!).  So if you're interested in joining me on that journey, I've started posting the daily photos at  I don't expect to keep up with a picture every day, but maybe a few a week?  We'll see.  I'm trying to hold all of this lightly.

So despite a couple of set-backs last week, I'm still feeling excited and hopeful for this new year.  And grateful for the community I have which encourages me on our journey.

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