Monday, June 7, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog...

That has been the question for many months now. I thought I had decided against it. After all, I’m not particularly insightful or witty. I don’t have any particular skill. And while I’m not exactly a technophobe, neither am I enthralled with technology. Generally, I only learn that which I deem to be necessary, and let’s face it, a personal blog for a rather ordinary individual is hardly necessary! So just figuring out how to do it was a big hurdle for me to jump (even though, yes, it is pretty easy!).

Then I read this by Bruce Reyes-Chow, and I decided to jump.

Reyes-Chow approaches blogging as a spiritual discipline – that’s a challenging and surprisingly inviting idea to me. I say "surprisingly" because writing is something I usually avoid, and typically I am more comfortable outside of community than inside of it. I am not in any real position of leadership (except, possibly, as a mom, and sometimes I’m not sure who’s leading who in that relationship!), and speaking up is not something I do easily. I’m much more likely to be a blog lurker than a commenter.   Heck, I agonize over even the simplest facebook updates.  Finding the right words can be difficult for me.

So why should I blog? Because sometimes I do actually have something to say. I was reminded of this when given the chance to speak for a few minutes during worship on Mother’s Day. I think I had forgotten that there might be someone other than my husband, parents and close friends who might care about what I say. At the very least, blogging gives me an outlet for the words that tumble around in my head, whether anyone else pays attention to them or not (and the “starting a blog” advice I read suggests I should assume no one will pay attention!).

So why should I blog? Because writing something out helps ME to pay attention. My life is pretty ordinary – I go to work, I cook, I sometimes clean, I spend time with children, I hopefully spend time with my husband, I go to church, I watch TV, I occasionally sew, I sleep. It’s easy to roll with the day-to-day flow without paying much attention to the gift that God has given me – my own life and the life that teems all around me.

So I’m hoping that blogging will be a spiritual discipline for me – a way to notice and reflect. A way to connect with far-off friends and family though a little more than facebook status updates. A way to document a bit of life for my kids. Maybe even a way to connect with online community. But mostly I decided to attempt this blog thing as a reminder to myself to pay attention to this bright life.

1 comment:

  1. I imagine that you have way more to say than you may think. Those of us who are not family may even be more interested to hear what you say than your family. And to reitterate what I told you in person I think you are amazing to stand in front of hundreds of people and share you sadness but most of all your joy! I will be following your blog : )
