Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Sweet One

I posted some pictures of our Elder Child last week, but none of the Younger One, which is an oversight I will now remedy. Here’s our Beautiful Boy:

He is definitely one of the brightest spots of my life. I still gaze in awe at him, and thank God for this great gift. He’s so very different from his sister. While “Sissy” (his name for her) is a wildly out-going, extremely independent, always on-the-go kind of child, our Buddy-O (my name for him) is quiet in public, happy to play on his own occasionally, and more eager to please. People who never see him at home sometimes think he hardly talks. But at home he talks all the time! And what he says continually amazes me.

Since Sissy struggled for much of her preschool years with communication and sensory issues, I am often surprised by how much Buddy-O can do, and how much more fun these preschool years are with him. Now, don’t get me wrong. He’s still a 2-year-old. He can be stubborn and whiney and knows how to throw a fit. And as for Sissy, I love her with every fiber of my being. But I worried and worried and worried about her and about whether I was the best mother for her. I don’t worry so much about him. Even when he shows some signs of small sensory issues (like refusing to get into a pool or freaking out about food on his hands), I don’t worry so much about it. I’m sure part of that is that he’s the second child, and Sissy definitely broke us in well! But part of it is that he’s just easier. For now, anyway. Maybe someday that will change.

Being a parent is hard, with any child, but Buddy-O came along at a time when I needed to be reminded that being a parent is also a lot of fun – with both kids. So many smiles. So much laughter! It’s easy to get bogged down in the daily routine and small (and big) disappointments of life, but my kids each remind me that life can also be a bright adventure full of exciting new experiences and joys. My Sweet One and My Bright One:

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