Friday, June 11, 2010

A Cool, Crafty Mom?

Some time back, I discovered the world of crafty mother blogs (“crafty” as in making stuff, not as in wily like a fox). If you haven’t discovered this world yet, let me tell you, there are lots of moms out there documenting the amazing things they’re doing with and for their families and homes. Things that involve food, art, crafts, gardening, decorating, sewing, caring for the earth and each other, etc. A couple of the more famous (and published) crafty moms that I check out are SouleMama and Angry Chicken. And, of course, there’s the uber-famous Pioneer Woman. My personal favorite for practical application to my own life is probably Artful Parent.

I love checking out these blogs, which I do almost every day. I love looking at their beautiful pictures and reading their sweet and witty posts. I love imagining how I could incorporate some of their crafty genius into our own home. And occasionally, I actually try! But sometimes (often), I am intimidated by how cool and productive these other moms are.

I just don’t measure up. While I occasionally do projects with my kids or work on something for our home, it’s only occasionally. I have a list of art activities to try with the kids that is still just that – a list. My house is generally a wreck, and while I’m trying to help us to clean and eat ethically and sustainably as much as possible, there’s much room for improvement. It took me a month or more to make one set of pretty simple curtains. How in the world do these crafty moms get so much done?!?

I have to remind myself that for a lot of these moms, that’s their job. I don’t have that luxury – working outside the home is a necessity for me. A sometimes life-giving, sometimes mind-numbing, but always essential necessity. So I just don’t have as much time to do cool things at home or with my family. But I suspect that even if I were able to be a stay-at-home mom, I still wouldn’t be that productive. I’m just not that driven. And it bugs me.

But in some unfathomable way both natured and nurtured, this is who I am. I plan a little, but not too much. I clean and cook a little, but not too much. I create and play, but not too much. I read – a lot. I wish I were more productive, and I will continue to challenge myself to use time more wisely (which includes resting and playing wisely), but I’m also seeing the brightness in my make-up. I don’t stress about a clean house, perfect meals, well-planned family activities. I can choose when and where to use my own minimal crafty talents. I rest. And this is the biggest challenge to myself – to rest well, without the guilt. To actually re-charge.

Because when I do accomplish something, I love it! Even when it’s very simple, like these curtains that took me so long to make:

The quality of my photos isn't great, but the curtains are a light yellow with brighter trim.  The walls are a light yellowy green (thanks to my productive husband!).  Their bright cheeriness makes me smile when I walk into the dining room.

And I love that My Bright One can have a craft free-for-all in that same dining room, without any plan or structure. Like yesterday, when she made these:

She made 2 bracelets, an anklet and a back belt (?) that says “Litning Star” on it. I told her she looked fancy. She said, “No, I look cool!” Maybe she can be cool for both of us!

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