Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Bright One

My Girl’s name means “Bright.” That makes me smile! She has certainly brought much brightness to my life. And now My Bright One is finishing her first year of school – Oh My!

A year ago at this time, we were living with my in-laws, waiting for our NC house closing, desperately looking for a house here, and worrying, worrying, worrying about what we should do with our Bright One when school started. At least, I was worrying. I think my husband was taking it all in stride a bit better than me!

Our girl has an end-of-the-summer birthday and had struggled through her preschool years with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). General wisdom seemed to demand that we keep her out of public school for one more year. But we were new here and we didn’t know where to put her in preschool that would be appropriate for her needs. Her SPD is helped by daily structure, and academically she was ready for Kindergarten. But emotionally and socially and developmentally? I just wasn’t sure. And I worried and I worried.

But all for naught! Every preschool year, we had gone through weeks and weeks of difficult transition, but from the very first day, our Bright One has thrived in Kindergarten. We are much indebted to her wonderful teacher, Mrs. B., who encouraged her and loved her and cared for her in all her sweet & sassiness. Our Bright One skips merrily off to the bus stop each morning and jumps off the bus with a big smile on her face every afternoon. What a beautiful gift!

While I expect I will never completely rid myself of my worrying instincts, perhaps remembering this year will help me to be a little more like the birds of the air and the lilies of the field (and my name means “Lily” – hah!).

Here is My Bright One on her first day of Kindergarten:

And here she is during her last week!


  1. I really enjoyed your post today. How familiar...the waiting to see where you'll land and the worry along with it. I especially enjoyed the reference verses. Although worry is in my nature, it helps to know that God has it all worked out.

  2. Oh yeah, I love the pictures! What a doll! Before and after...what a great idea.
