Friday, October 21, 2011

what might've been...

Last week, The Girl and I drove past the new library that's not quite open on our side of town, and she asked me something about being a librarian. I don't even remember what it was, but it got me thinking and remembering.

About 5 years ago, I thought about going back to school to get a Masters in Library Science. I had picked out the school, talked to the dean of the program, even checked out a GRE guide from the library. I really thought this was going to be my new career.  Then, suddenly I ended up in the hospital having heart surgery. And there went my new career.

A little over a year later, I had my second baby while my first was starting occupational therapy. It's a good thing I wasn't going to school, too.

And now, here I am embarking on another new career - occupational therapy, which I never really considered the first time around, as I had only a vague idea of what it was about and had no idea of their work with kids.

I don't have a puppet-strings view of God or the cosmos. I don't think God makes us go one way or the other, or brings down disease or distress in order to fulfill some kind of Will. But I do think God uses bad and difficult things when they happen to bring about good and beautiful things. That's not a very deep theology, but it's one I hold onto, sometimes fitfully.  And today I am thankful for unexpected heart surgery and derailed education plans and a special needs child because they all brought me here to this place.

What might've been could've been good. But what is is also lovely.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... I didn't know all that about you. Thanks for sharing. I think your theology is wonderful... although I may be biased, because I believe the same thing. In my experience, thankfulness is the only sure way to stay sane. I'm thankful for a God who turns negatives into things we can be thankful for. :)
