I've read a number of things in response to the passing of NC Amendment One. Critical and thoughtful things. Happy and celebratory things. Sad and angry things. Gracious and kind things. But in my opinion, this is one of the best:
Why I almost didn't vote AGAINST Amendment One, written by a seminary colleague who lives her faith more than anyone else I know. She has more than earned the right to point to our (my) blindness. Read it, please.
Amendment One is wrong. It is right that so many fought against it.
But it is not the only wrong, and too many people have no one to fight for them because we (I) turn a blind eye to them. We (I) hide in our safety zones. We (I) ignore what we don't want to see. There may be no amendment to fight against, but there are still people who need advocates, neighbors, friends.
It's easy to type out a few words and click "publish." It's not so easy to do something about the walls.
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