And she wanted a Princess Party to celebrate. So I gave her a Princess Party. Just a small home affair - only 5 little girls plus one little brother. But I went nuts making stuff for this small party. Really, truly nuts. None of the details are hugely impressive - just a bunch of small things that when added together took a lot of time. Too much time, really. My Man says he hardly saw me in the evenings for the past month! But for some reason I enjoy this stuff. Even when I'm getting sweary at the sewing machine or the paint or the scissors, in the end I love having something that I (or we) hand-created. Something that isn't plastic and may last a little longer than the 2 hours of the party. Some of it, anyway. So here's a photo chronicle of my obsession:
I already showed you the princess skirt I finished a few weeks ago. With scrap fabric from the skirt and some extra buttons, I made a crown applique for a pink T-shirt already in her closet (which she wouldn't wear because it was too plain!). I don't have a great picture of it, but here it is actually on the birthday girl:
A bunting banner (tutorial here) made of cut newspaper painted with acrylic craft paint (I should've taken the picture at night):
Another banner made with fabric and felt letters (and some curly ribbon hanging from the light fixture):
Some princess (and one prince) wands made with felt, ribbon, dowel rods, and simple hand-sewn embroidery:
Some small homemade jewelry bags filled with beads to make necklaces:
The birthday table, set with real dishes (bought at Goodwill!), paper placemats, placecards, and flowers made from coffee filters and tissue paper:
A crown craft for the princesses:
Uncovering some invisible ink clues left by the Fairy Godmother (white crayon on white paper - not truly invisible, but still fun):
The Birthday Girl got involved in the crafting, too! Here's a sign for our door (I love how free she is with her decorating - even at her age I would've been worried about everything being orderly and symmetric, ugh):
And another sign for the Ballroom (a.k.a. the basement):
And here she is making some bubble painting (idea found here). This was a blast for her - fill a cup half-way with water, a squirt of dish soap, and a good squirt of acrylic paint. Then blow! When the bubbles are above the rim of the cup, place a sheet of heavy paper over it. Repeat until paper is covered. It makes a lovely marbled kind of paper. I couldn't get a good picture of the result (photographer I am not), but we used the paper to make individualized bookmarks for her guests: